Disk Monitoring

The disk module in darwin-metrics provides comprehensive monitoring of storage volumes and disk I/O performance on macOS systems.


The disk monitoring module offers the following capabilities:

  • Volume Information: Details about mounted filesystems including capacity, usage, and mount points
  • Disk I/O Performance: Read/write operations per second, throughput, and latency metrics
  • Disk Type Detection: Identification of SSD, HDD, Fusion drives, and other storage types
  • Per-Volume Metrics: Track individual volumes, partitions, and mount points
  • Path-Based Lookups: Find which volume contains a specific file or directory

Usage Examples

Basic Volume Information

use darwin_metrics::disk::Disk;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Get information about all mounted volumes
    let volumes = Disk::get_all()?;
    for volume in volumes {
        println!("Volume: {}", volume.name);
        println!("  Mount point: {}", volume.mount_point);
        println!("  Filesystem: {}", volume.fs_type);
        println!("  Capacity: {}", volume.total_display());
        println!("  Used: {} ({}%)", 
            volume.usage_percentage() as u32);
        println!("  Available: {}", volume.available_display());
        if volume.is_nearly_full() {
            println!("  WARNING: Volume is nearly full!");
    // Get information about the root filesystem
    let root = Disk::get_info()?;
    println!("Root filesystem: {}", root.summary());
    // Get information about a specific path
    let home = Disk::get_for_path("/Users")?;
    println!("Home directory volume: {}", home.summary());

Disk Performance Monitoring

use darwin_metrics::disk::DiskMonitor;
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Initialize the disk monitor
    let mut monitor = DiskMonitor::new();
    // Sample disk performance every second
    for _ in 0..10 {
        match monitor.get_performance() {
            Ok(performance) => {
                for (device, perf) in performance {
                    println!("Device: {}", device);
                    println!("  Read: {:.1} ops/s, {:.2} MB/s", 
                        perf.bytes_read_per_second as f64 / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
                    println!("  Write: {:.1} ops/s, {:.2} MB/s", 
                        perf.bytes_written_per_second as f64 / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
                    println!("  Latency: {:.2} ms read, {:.2} ms write", 
                    println!("  Utilization: {:.1}%", perf.utilization);
            Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),
        // Update internal statistics 
        // Wait for next sample

Implementation Details

The disk module uses several macOS APIs to gather comprehensive storage metrics:

  1. statfs: For basic volume information like capacity and usage
  2. IOKit: For disk performance metrics and device type detection
  3. DiskArbitration framework: For additional volume metadata
  4. FSEvents: For monitoring filesystem changes (future enhancement)

Performance Considerations

Disk I/O monitoring is designed to be lightweight, with a minimal performance impact on the system:

  • Incremental updates track deltas between samples rather than absolute values
  • Smart caching of filesystem metadata to reduce syscalls
  • Configurable sampling rate to balance detail with overhead

Advanced Features

Disk Type Detection

The module can detect various storage types:

use darwin_metrics::disk::{Disk, DiskType};

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let volumes = Disk::get_all()?;
    for volume in volumes {
        let type_description = match volume.disk_type {
            DiskType::SSD => "Solid State Drive",
            DiskType::HDD => "Hard Disk Drive",
            DiskType::Fusion => "Fusion Drive",
            DiskType::External => "External Drive",
            DiskType::Network => "Network Volume",
            DiskType::RAM => "RAM Disk",
            DiskType::Virtual => "Virtual Disk",
            DiskType::Unknown => "Unknown Type",
        println!("{}: {}", volume.name, type_description);

Complete Example

For a full-featured example of disk monitoring, see the examples/disk_monitor.rs file in the repository, which demonstrates:

  • Real-time volume information display
  • I/O performance tracking
  • Visual representation of disk usage and I/O rates
  • Handling of error conditions